UGOAMAKA: A Masterpiece for a Better Society

UGOAMAKA is a contemporary poetry book, written in Igbo Language to sustain and promote Indigenous language, literature, arts and culture. 

UGOAMAKA, Kelvin Alisi.

You can also make your donations, purchase UGOAMAKA by clicking Donate/Buy

The book is a masterpiece for sustainable society through the revelations and recommendations creatively embellished for readers and researchers. The need to have contemporary study materials for Igbo and Africa studies is also achieved.

The author, Amb. Kelvin Alisi during the presentation of the book on Thursday 24th November 2022, at Imperial Hotels and Suites, New Owerri stated that "the book poetically pushes for excellence in all aspects of life, productivity, creating cultural awareness, promoting Igbo Language and healthy cultural heritages to achieve a better society".

Themes like: good leadership, zero hunger, impediments of poor leadership, excellence, respect for girl child, culture and life, family, Igbo food and craft, gender equality, economic development etc are in the book. 

See what renowned academians, researchers, elites and traditional rulers have to say about the book in Igbo Language:

Ugoamaka bụ abụ nke oge a. O nwere nka na ejirimara ndị ahụ e jiri mara Agụmagụ Ekoọlọgi, bụ agụmagụ na-ejikọta mmadụ na ekere dị iche iche dịka: ala, osisi, mmiri na anụmanụ ka agwa n’agụmagụ.

Abụ a bụ enyo nhụrụwa gosipụtara ndị Igbo: ejirimara ha na ihe ndị ahụ na-eme n’ụwa taa.

O mechiri anya katọọ ihe ọjọọ ndị ahụ na-akwatu mba, ma kwalite ndị ahụ na-ebuli mba: Eziokwu, Igwebuike, Mkwụmọtọ, Ịgbambọ, ịdị úchú n’ọrụ dgz.

ABỤ SỌNETI a, “Agụụ”, nke tuuru ugo dịka abụ kacha kụọ n’igwe maka ọgbakọ Otú Mba Ụwa 2015 maka ikpochapụ Agụrụ n’obodo (United Nation's Zero Hunger Conference 2015) dịkwa n’akwụkwọ abụ a.

Abụ a ga-abara ndị nchọcha, ndị nkuzi, ụmụ akwụkwọ, na ndị hụrụ agụmagụ n’anya uru. Onye ọ bụla, n’ogugo ọbụla, ga-agụ akwụkwọ a.
HRM, Eze Dr. Eugene Ndimele,
Ikwuano Local Government, Abia State.
Chairman, Traditional Rulers Council,
B.D.S(Lagos), M.P.A (Unizik), M.P.H(IMSU), Ph.D(ABSU).

Daalụ, Odee Kelvin Alisi maka ide akwụkwọ agụmagụ Abụ Igbo a. Akwụkwọ a bụ enyo eji ahụ ndị Igbo na ejirimara ọma ha. N'ezie a, ọrụ nka a na-akwalite nchekwa asụsụ igbo na uru agụmagụ abụ nyere nchọcha na mmụta.
Prof. Patrick Iroegbu,
Consultant Social and Cultural Medical Anthropologist, MacEwan University, Canada.

UGOAMAKA bụ nchịkọta abụ keoge a, nke ejiri nhùnuuche achoro mma nwere zipụta enyouche ya nke sitere n'aka nwa amadị a bụ Ambassador Kelvin Obinna Alisi, onye nka edemede Igbo nọ n'akara ya.
Rev. Fr. Prof. Cajetan Ebuziem, Chapilin; Asoshieti Diin, Koleji nke Ọmụmụ Humanitizi, Gregory University, Uturu.

Akwụkwọ a bụ ọpụrụ iche. Onwere nka ndị ahụ na-akpali mụọ mmadụ ọbụla na-agụ ya. Dịka Odee akwụkwọ a mere Sayensị Asụsụ, ma bụrụ onye nka juru ahụ, akwụkwọ agụmagụ a ga-abụ mmanwụ̀ ijele.
Odoziaky Rosemary N. Igboekwe (LAUX), Registrar, Gregory University, Uturu.

Onyeozi Kelvin Obinna Alisi bụ Onye nkụzi, Odee, Onye nhazi atụmatụ, na onye a na-akpọtụrụ n'okwu banyere nkwalite Omenala na Asụsụ Igbo. UGOAMAKA bụkwa aha ihe omume Ọ na-emebu na Redio Naijiria, Hatland FM, Owerri; dika onye Nkwalite Ndu na Akunuba obodo. N'ihi nke a, otu Abụ SỌNETI ya, "Agụụ" tuuru ugo Otú Mba Ụwa (United Nation's Zero Hunger Conference 2015).

Ọ bụ nwafọ ndi Igbo ji eme ọnụ. Nwoke gbagoro mbọ, ma kwuruchim. O ji nzere digiri n'Edukeshọn Igbo Lingwistiks nke Mahadum Naịjirịa, Nsụkka; ma na-achụ digiri nke abụọ n'Igbo.
Dr. Apakama Lucy,
Diin, Skuul nke Asụsụ, Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education.

To add more value to the society, the author, Amb. Kelvin Alisi has established a Epic Trust Fund to run Rural women and youth Skill and Mentorship empowerment initiative. Thirty percent (30%) from the book sells goes to the trust fund.

Kindly donate into:
Kelvin Alisi
Access Diamond

You can also make your donations, purchase UGOAMAKA by clicking on the link below 👇🏽

and send contact us for acknowledgement: or call/WhatsApp 09060669732. 


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