Special Honour: The Anglican Church of St John The Evangelist honours Osodieme and Others.

In life, our works speak volumes. Our contributions to humanity and God's work are legacy of love that stand the test of time.

          See below for more pictures... 

According to Aristotle, the great Philosopher, who invented the scientific method of analysis, "the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action". Putting good deeds into action is a noble and sacrificial act in responsibility.

Thus, awards or recognitions are given publicly. In the words of Mary Kay Ash, "everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don't keep it a secret". The holy Bible attests also to giving honor to whom honor is due.

Outstanding in the wisdom of not to "...withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act" according Proverbs 3:27, the Christian Father's ministry of The Anglican Church of St. John The Evangelist, Akwakuma has nominated reputable men and women to be awarded.

On this Sunday, 5th June 2022, these categories of awards were given: Supportive Christian Women Award, Outstanding Christian Fathers Award and Promising Christian Fathers Award.

The following received the award as presented by Rev. Engr. Evans Ndubuisi and Barr. Iheanyi Emeribe:

Outstanding Christian Father Award were given to Layreader Augustine Okparaji and Sir. Martin Osuji.

Promising Christian Fathers Award received by Mr. Bright Nwachukwu, Mr. Matthew Kingsley and Engr. Onyedikachi Igboanugo.

The event took a fresh fora, when the Supportive Christian Woman Award were presented to Mrs. Ugochi Ndubuisi (the Vicar's wife), Mrs. Happiness Uju Umenne (Osodieme) and Mrs. Josephine Ndubuisi (Woman leader, St. Matthew group).

All and sundry attest that the awardees deserve the recognition and pray that God shall continue to guide them in living exemplary life.

EpicMore Tv reporting.


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